kâhkâkiwYear: 2019
Medium: Performance, Video, Puppetry
Duration: 28 min

is a live video performance created in residence at Galerie OBORO in Montréal, QC and co-presented by Festival De Casteliers, featuring sound design performed live by Devon Bate. The Raven (kāhkākiw) character from the title avoids the mantle of colonial epistemological frameworks with its deft, evasive dance. Materials for the bunraku-inspired puppets include soil and sawdust from the streets of Montréal, sand from local parks, wood from dead trees, fabric from the artist’s old clothing and homemade glues. Performances took place in March 2019.

Co-created with Kyla Gilbert
Sound Design by Devon Bate
Curated by Jamie Ross

Trailer for kâhkâkiw

© Tyson Houseman 2024